Sunday, August 12, 2018


“Dic verum mihi, Marce, dic amabo;
nil est, quod magis audiam libenter”.
Sic et cum recitas tuos libellos,
et causam quotiens agis clientis,
oras, Gallice, me rogasque semper.
Durum est me tibi, quod petis, negare.
Vero verius ergo quid sit, audi:
verum, Gallice, non libenter audis.

Tell me, say you, and tell me without fear
The truth, the thing I most desire to hear.
This is your language, when your works you quote:
And when you plead, this is your constant note.
’Tis most inhuman longer to deny
What you so often press so earnestly.
To the great truth of all then lend an ear—
“You are uneasy when the truth you hear”.

“Dimmi la verità, Marco, di grazia;
nulla più volentieri ascoltar posso”.
Così, quando mi reciti i tuoi versi,
o perori la causa d’un cliente,
o Gallico, mi preghi e mi scongiuri.
Mi è duro dir di no a quel che chiedi;
cosa più vera ti dirò del vero:
che il vero non l’ascolti volentieri.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 8, LXXVI
English translation by William Hay
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

A cat looks to fishes inside a plastic container on August 1, 2018 at Karaköy district during a hot day in Istanbul, Turkey as International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8. Photo © AFP/Ozan Köse.

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