Saturday, May 24, 2014

虚幻广场 (Piazza dell’Immaginario)
Comunicato Stampa

Piazza dell’Immaginario

Curator: Alba Braza
Organization: Dryphoto Arte Contemporanea

Piazza dell’Immaginario brings continuity to a working model that addresses questions of the relationship between art/photography and the territory, and the role played by art within the urban context. Art is used as a means to understand our present, also caring for everyday public space in the area close to the place of activity of Dryphoto arte contemporanea, with the goal of its improvement and cohabitation.
Therefore Piazza dell’Immaginario is a project, but it also becomes the name of the zone where via Fabio Filzi and via Pistoiese are connected by a passageway of an apartment building.
After the first stage, which began with the action The Responsibility of the Skies and the Heights by Pantani-Surace, and the presentation of the project to the public during a press conference, we have continued to position the QR codes to provide information on the program in Italian and Chinese, while discussing the idea of the piazza through a series of video interviews, all focusing on the same question: “in your view, what is a piazza?”
The second phase now begins, with the insertion of benches and a bicycle rack, the refurbishing of old planters, the placement of a display board in the doorway of the Circolo Curiel for messages, and the cleaning and painting of the walls of the piazza.
The change of image of the space is emphasized by the choice of adding the color red. This color presents an opportunity to change the function of the walls of the space, previously used for telephone numbers and messages, in order to bring two cultures closer together. Red is a color we associate with China, and it is also a strong presence in Italian culture. A connection between the Italian imaginary, where every newborn baby was given something red to wear, to ward off evil spirits, and that of China, where red is a color used in traditional festivals, in architecture and in wedding gowns, to represent wishes for good fortune and prosperity.

The third phase will begin on 30 May, with the opening of the exhibition Piazza dell’Immaginario with works by Gabriele Basilico, Andrea Abati, Bleda y Rosa, Pantani-Surace, R.E.P. Revolutionary Experimental Space, which will become part of the piazza. Piazza dell’Immaginario will be accompanied by a publication, presented on the same day as the opening.
Piazza dell’Immaginario is an event supported by the Department of the Environment of the City of Prato, ASM Ambiente Servizi Mobilità and Circolo Curiel, in collaboration with Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Associna, Associazione Cinese di Li Shui, and with the participation of Comitato Macrolotto Zero, Italia Nostra Prato section.

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