Saturday, July 12, 2014

Jane Eyre

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán): “I like to travel and read books”

Roland Labuchidze, Msoflio Sporti, July 4, 2014

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) and Nona Terentevna Gaprindashvili. Photo: Lasha Kuprashvili.

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) (first row, first from left) in Lopota. Photo: Lasha Kuprashvili.

The reigning Women’s World Chess Champion, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) from China, was the only one to end the 5th stage of FIDE Women’s Grand Prix in Lopota, Georgia, unbeaten, thus winning the tournament with a round to spare.
Msoflio Sporti interviewed 逸凡 (Yìfán) after the conclusion of the tournament.

— Congratulations on your victory!
— Thank you very much.

— Who do you think has the best chance of challenging you for the World Chess Championship?
— I guess my most likely challenger will be Humpy Koneru of India, since me and her are clearly leading the overall Grand Prix’s standing and we probably will win the first two places. On the other hand, it does not matter who my challenger will be, as I haven’t a favourite one.

— Considering the ratings of you and Carlsen, commentators and journalists regard you as geniuses...
— Thank you very much for the compliment! As for Carlsen, I met him various times and I cannot deny that he is very strong.

— What has caused the rise in popularity of chess in China recently?
— The country’s leadership developed special programs 12-13 years ago, which actually enhanced society’s interest in chess.

— And what caused your interest in chess?
— It was only when I won several big tournaments that I got seriously interested in chess.

— How do you combine studies at the Faculty of International Relations and chess?
— I balance my time equally between them.

— Why did you decide to go in for a diplomatic career after such success in chess?
— I think the benefits of one complement the other.

— Besides chess, what other sports do you like?
— I love swimming and jumping rope.

— What do you do in your free time?
— I like to travel and read books — classic books, but also historical and biographical ones.

— Do you like Georgia?
— Yes, a fine country.

— Are you married?
— No.

— And there is no betrothed?
— Not yet.

— At 20, you’ve already won the World Championship three times. How long are you going to sit in the Queen’s throne?
— It is, of course, impossible to guess in advance, as everything will depend as much on me as on my rivals.

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