Saturday, August 30, 2014

An antagonistic polyphony

Humpy Koneru – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
FIDE Women’s Grand Prix 2013–14; 6th stage; Sharjah, August 28, 2014
Queen’s Gambit Declined D38

1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Nf3 d5 5. Qb3 c5 6. dxc5 Na6 7. Bd2 0-0 8. cxd5 Nxd5 9. Nxd5 Bxd2+ 10. Nxd2 Nxc5 11. Qc4 Qxd5 12. Qxd5 exd5 13. Rc1 b6 14. e3 Bf5 15. b4 Nd3+ 16. Bxd3 Bxd3 17. Nb3 Bc4 18. Kd2 a5 19. bxa5 bxa5 20. Rc2 Rfb8 21. Rhc1 h5 22. Nc5 Rb5 23. Nd3 Re8 24. h4 g6 25. Nf4 Kg7 26. f3 Rb4 27. e4 Ra4 28. Nxd5 Bxd5 29. exd5 Rd4+ 30. Kc3 Rxd5 31. Kc4 Red8 32. g3 Rd4+ 33. Kb3 Rb8+ 34. Ka3 Re8 35. Kb2 Rd3 36. Rc3 Re2+ 37. Kb3 a4+ 38. Ka3 Rxc3+ 39. Rxc3 Rg2 40. Rd3 Rxg3 41. Kxa4 Rh3

42. Kb3?? This blunder throws away the draw which was obtainable with 42. Kb5! Rxh4 43. a4.
42. ... Rxh4 43. a4 Rf4! That’s the point — White’s King is cut off from his passed Pawn.
44. a5 h4 45. a6 Rf6 46. a7 Ra6 47. Rd4 Rxa7 48. Rxh4

48. ... Rc7! Once again cutting the White King off.
49. Rf4 Rc1 50. Kb2 Rc5 51. Ra4 Kf6 52. Ra7 g5 53. Rb7 Kg6 54. Ra7 f6 55. Ra6 Kf5 56. Ra4 Re5 0 : 1.

Just pondering the thin line between friendship and rivalry. Photo: Maria Alekseevna Emelianova.

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