Friday, November 7, 2014

Nomen nescio

Notes by Paul Charles Morphy

N. N. – Serafino Dubois
Rome, 1850
Giuoco Piano C50

Between Signor Dubois of Rome, Italy, and an Amateur.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. d3 f5 5. Ng5 f4 6. Nf7 Qh4 7. 0-0 Nf6 8. Nxh8 d5 9. Bxd5 Bg4 10. Qe1 f3 11. Bg5 Qxg5 12. g3 Nd4 13. Bb3 Ne2+ 14. Kh1 Bh3 15. Rg1. The only move to save the impending mate. 15. ... Nh5 16. Nf7

16. ... Nhf4. Very pretty; if White take the Knight Black mates in two moves. 17. Nxg5 Bg2+ 18. Rxg2 fxg2 mate. This game was played at Rome in the year 1850. (Paul Charles Morphy, The Chess Monthly, Vol. ii, 1858, page 203).

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