Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Gersz Salwe – Akiba Kiwelowicz Rubinstein
Łódź, March 26, 1903
Giuoco Piano C50

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. Nc3 d6 5. d3 Nf6 6. 0-0 Bg4 7. Be3 Bb6 8. Kh1!? Perhaps this move is not a bad one, but it looks somewhat pointless. 8. Nd5 is by far the most usual. 8. ... Qd7! More straightforward than 8. ... Ne7 as in the game Schwarz – von Minckwitz, Frankfurt 1878, match game 4. 9. a3!? Nd4! 10. Rb1? Too slow in timing! 10. ... h5! 11. Bxd4 Bxd4 12. Ne2? A very bad move. White ought to have played 12. Nd5. 12. ... Bxf3 13. gxf3 Qh3 14. Nxd4? This is a bad mistake, leading to an immediate catastrophe. But in any case the game was virtually lost, since after 14. Ng1 Qh4 Black’s position is imposing.

14. ... Ng4! 0 : 1.

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