Sunday, December 14, 2014


Notes by Alina l’Ami

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) – Anna Ushenina
4th SportAccord World Mind Games; Women’s Blitz Event; 北京 (Beijīng), December 14, 2014
Sicilian Defence B23

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 a6 3. g3 b5 4. Bg2 Bb7 5. Nge2 e6 6. d4 cxd4 7. Nxd4 b4 8. Na4 Qa5 9. b3 Nc6 10. 0-0 Nf6 11. Re1 Nxd4 12. Qxd4 e5 13. Qd3 Be7 14. a3 Qb5 15. axb4 Qxd3 16. cxd3 Bxb4 17. Rd1 Rc8 18. Bg5 h6 19. Bxf6 gxf6 20. d4 Ke7 21. Nb6 Rc7 22. dxe5 fxe5 23. Nd5+ Bxd5 24. Rxd5 d6 25. Rxa6 Rc1+ 26. Bf1 Bc5 27. Ra2 Rb8 28. Rd3 Rb4 29. Kg2 Rxe4 30. Rf3 d5 31. Ra6 Ree1 32. Bb5 e4 33. Rf5 d4 34. Rc6 Bd6 35. Bc4 f6 36. Rd5 Be5 37. Rb5 Kd7 38. Ra6 Ra1 39. Rab6 Ra7 40. Rd5+ Ke7 41. f4 exf3+ 42. Kxf3 Re3+ 43. Kg4 Rd7 44. Rxd7+ Kxd7 45. Rb7+ Kc6 46. Rb5 Re1 47. Rd5 Rh1 48. Kh3 h5 49. Kg2 Re1 50. Rd8 Rc1 51. Kf3 Rh1 52. Kg2 Rc1 53. Rh8 Rc2+ 54. Kh3 Kc5 55. Rxh5 Kb4 56. Rh8 Kc3 57. Rd8 Rd2 58. Rd7 d3 59. Ba6 Rd1 60. Rxd3+ Rxd3 61. Bxd3 Kxd3 62. Kg4 Kc3 63. Kf5 Kxb3. After an intense game with mutual chances, Hóu Yìfán must have thought the game would quickly end in a draw:

64. h4 Bd6?! But this is already a step in the wrong direction after which Black’s position holds by a thread. 64. ... Bxg3 65. h5 Bd6 66. h6 Bf8 67. h7 Bg7 would secure the draw, just in time! 65. h5 Bf8? Mistakes don't came alone! But 65. ... Kc4! was indeed a tough move to find. 66. Kxf6. Now the Pawns easily decide: 66. ... Kc4 67. g4 Kd5 68. g5 Ke4 69. h6 Bd6 70. g6 Bf4 71. g7 Be5+ 72. Kf7 1 : 0. (Notes by Alina l’Ami).

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) vs. Anna Ushenina
北京 (Beijīng), December 14, 2014
Photos: 王亮 (Wáng Liàng)

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