Monday, February 16, 2015


Viktor Lvovich Kortschnoi – Wolfgang Uhlmann
Clash of the Legends; match game 2; Zürich, February 15, 2015
King’s Indian Defence E70

“The second game was horrible even though I won: he chose the King’s Indian having no idea of it”, Kortschnoi said. 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 g6 3. e4 d6 4. d4 Bg7 5. Bg5. The Averbakh System used to be a Kortschnoi’s favourite. 5. ... Nbd7 6. f4 0-0 7. Nf3 c5 8. d5 Qa5. It looks better to play immediately 8. ... b5!? 9. cxb5 a6 with a thematic compensation for the sacrificed Pawn. 9. Qd2 b5. Consistent but risky. 10. Nxb5. 10. cxb5 a6 would have justified Black’s counter-gambit. 10. ... Qb6. Less committal seems 10. ... Qxd2+ 11. Nxd2 with an edge for White. 11. Nc3 Rb8 12. Rb1 e6. International Master Sagar Shah suggests 12. ... h6 13. Bh4 Nh5 as sounder play.

13. dxe6! fxe6 14. Bd3 Bb7 15. 0-0 d5 16. e5 Ne8. If 16. ... Ne4 then 17. Qe2 Nxg5 18. Nxg5 with a clear-cut advantage to White. 17. Kh1 Nc7 18. Be7 Rfe8 19. Bd6 Bf8 20. Bxf8 Nxf8 21. b3. And the rest is just a matter of technique. 21. ... Rbd8 22. Na4 Qc6 23. Qe3 d4 24. Qd2 Na6 25. Ng5 Nb4. A gross blunder, which loses a second Pawn. 26. Be4 Qc7 27. Bxb7 Qxb7 28. Nxc5 Qb8 29. Nge4 Kg7 30. a3 Nc6 31. b4 Nd7 32. Nxd7 Rxd7 33. Nf6 Ree7 34. Nxd7 Rxd7 35. Qd3 Ne7 36. c5 Nf5 37. b5 Rd5 38. c6 Qc7 39. Rbc1 h5 40. a4 Rd8 41. Rfd1 Ne3 42. Rd2 h4 43. Qb3 Qf7 44. Rxd4 Rxd4 45. Qxe3 Rxf4 46. Kg1 1 : 0.

Viktor Lvovich Kortschnoi vs. Wolfgang Uhlmann
Photo: Zürich Chess Challenge 2015

Viktor Lvovich Kortschnoi
Photo: Zürich Chess Challenge 2015

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