Thursday, February 26, 2015


12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov tells all in-depth interview, in four parts, conducted by Albert Silver of ChessBase. His matches with Viktor Lvovich Kortschnoi and Garry Kimovich Kasparov, his secret meetings with Robert James Fischer. Chess, love and life.
Here’s an abstract:

– What are your daughter’s interests?
At 5 years old she was interested in the ballet. My wife had bought recordings of various productions from the Bolshoi Theatre. Our daughter watched it on her own and imitated the movements. She danced every day for two hours. Soon after, she announced, “Mom, I want to become a great ballerina like Maya Plisetskaya! If I have to eat porridge, I’ll do it!”.

Maya Mikhaylovna Plisetskaya performs Dying Swan in 1959 with music by Charles Camille Saint-Saëns.

Then she told Andrey Karaulov about her of Plisetskaya. He knew Maya well and asked, “Would you like to call her?”, Sonya’s eyes shone, “Is that possible?”. We called. Chedrin picked up the receiver. It turned out that Maya had broken her leg and had gone to bed early. When we got home, Sonja ran to her grandmother: “We called Plisetskaya! But she had broken her leg and gone to sleep. I was unable to speak to her...”.

Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov in his prime

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