Monday, March 2, 2015

A Heart in Winter

Daniele Vocaturo – Omer Reshef
16th European Individual Championship; Jerusalem, March 3, 2015
Giuoco Piano C54

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d3. The so-called “Giuoco Piano”. 5. ... d6 6. Bb3 Bb6 7. Nbd2 Ne7 8. Nc4 Ng6 9. Nxb6 axb6 10. h3 0-0 11. 0-0 Be6 12. Re1 Bxb3 13. Qxb3 Re8 14. g3. After 14. Bd2 h6 15. Rad1 Qd7 Black doesn’t have to be worried, T. Kosinsteva – 沈陽 (Shěn Yáng), Sochi 2009. 14. ... h6 15. Kg2 Qd7 16. Bd2 d5 17. Qc2 b5 18. a3 dxe4 19. dxe4 Qc6 20. Nh2 Nf8 21. f3 Ne6 22. Rad1 h5 23. h4 Nd7 24. Bc1 Rad8 25. Nf1 Nd4 26. Qf2 Nb3 27. Bg5 f6 28. Be3 Ndc5 29. Qe2 Ne6 30. Bf2 Qc4 31. Qc2 Nbc5 32. Ne3 Qb3 33. Qe2 c6 34. Rxd8 Rxd8 35. Rd1 Rxd1 36. Nxd1 Qc4 37. Qd2 Qd3 38. Qxd3 Nxd3 39. Be3 c5 40. b4 c4 41. Bd2 Kf7 42. Ne3 Nc7 43. Kf1

43. ... Ne8! In the present position Black’s Knight proves more agile than White’s Bishop, yet it is no significant advantage for the second player. 44. Nd5 Ke6 45. Ke2 f5 46. Ke3 g6 47. Ke2 fxe4 48. fxe4 Nd6 49. Kf3 Nf2 50. Nc7+ Kd7 51. Kxf2 Kxc7 52. Kf3 Kd7 53. Bg5 Ke6 54. Ke3 Nf7 55. Kf3 Nd6 56. Ke3 Nc8 57. Bd8 Na7 58. Bg5 Nc6 59. Ke2 Nb8 ½ : ½. As they say, an empty chest means a minor disappointment. My apologies.

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