Thursday, March 19, 2015

Alisa – Folge deinem Herzen

Alisa Galliamova – María Carolina Luján
Women’s World Chess Championship; playoff game 2; Krasnaya Polyana, March 19, 2015
Queen’s Pawn Game A46

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 b5 3. g3 Bb7 4. Bg2 e6 5. 0-0 c5 6. b3 Nc6 7. Bb2 Qb6 8. a4 b4 9. dxc5 Bxc5 10. Nbd2 d5 11. Bxf6 gxf6 12. e4 Rd8 13. exd5 Rxd5 14. Qe2 Ne5 15. Nxe5 Rxe5 16. Qg4 Bxg2 17. Kxg2 Bd4? María Carolina starts to go astray. After 17. ... Qc6+ 18. Kg1 Ke7! the chances are fairly even. 18. Rad1 f5 19. Qh4 Bc3 20. Nf3. Equally strong or even stronger appears to be 20. Nc4 Qc6+ 21. f3 Rd5 22. Ne3 with an edge for White. 20. ... Re4 21. Qh5 Qb7 22. Kg1 Qe7. If 22. ... Bf6 then 23. Qh6! followed by the doubling of the Rooks on the d-file. 23. Ng5 Rg4? A mistake most clearly refuted by Alisa’s next move.

24. Nxf7! Qxf7. Sheer desperation, but 24. ... 0-0 29. Nh6+ is no better. 25. Rd8+ Ke7 26. Rd7+ Kxd7 27. Qxf7+ Kd6 28. Qxa7 Rd4 29. a5 Rd5 30. a6 Rg8 31. Qb7 Ke5 32. a7 Rdd8 33. Qxh7 Kf6 34. Kg2 Rge8 35. Qb7 Rg8 36. h4 f4 37. Kh3 e5 38. g4 Rh8 39. g5+ Kf5 40. Qf7+ Ke4 41. Kg4 Kd4 42. Qc4 mate.

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