Tuesday, March 10, 2015


S.P. Sethuraman – 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén)
India China Summit; Hyderabad, March 10, 2015
Spanish C95

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 11. Nbd2 Bb7 12. Bc2 Re8 13. Nf1 Bf8 14. Ng3 g6 15. b3 c6 16. Bg5 Bg7 17. Qd2 Nf8 18. Rad1. For the straightforward approach 18. a4 Qc7 19. b4 see Svidler – 梁充 (Liáng Chōng), China India Summit; 上海 (Shànghǎi) 2001. 18. ... Qc7 19. Bh6 Ne6 20. b4 a5. An interesting novelty. For 20. ... Rad8 21. Bb3 Bc8 see Nouri – Sasikiran, Manila 2013. 21. Bb3 Bc8 22. a3 axb4 23. axb4 Ra3 24. Rb1 Nf8 25. Nh4 Be6 26. Bxg7 Kxg7 27. Bc2. An intriguing if subjective variation arises here from 27. Nhf5+ gxf5 28. Qg5+ Ng6 29. Bxe6 fxe6 30. exf5 exf5 31. Nxf5+ Kf7 32. h4! with an enduring initiative for the sacrificed Knight (for example: 32. ... Nd5 33. h5 Ngf4 34. c4!). Of course, further analysis won’t be superfluous. 27. ... h6 28. Rf1 Qe7 29. Rbe1 N8d7 30. f4 exf4 31. Rxf4 Ra2 32. d5 cxd5 33. exd5 Rxc2 34. Qxc2 Nxd5 35. Rg4 Kh8

36. Qd2. Apparently 36. Rxg6! Qxh4 37. Re4! Qxe4 (37. ... Qe7? is met by 38. Rxh6+ Kg7 39. Rexe6!+-) 38. Qxe4 fxg6 39. Qxg6 leaves White with hardly enough compensation for his Queen, but with the two attacking pieces perfectly coordinated, his winning chances are considerable. 36. ... Kh7 37. Nf3 Ne5 38. Nxe5 dxe5 39. Rxe5 Qc7 40. Rge4 Rd8 41. Ne2 f5 42. Rxe6 fxe4 43. Rxe4 Nxb4 44. Nd4 Nc6 45. Qe3 Rd7 46. Ne6 Rd1+ 47. Kf2 Qf7+ 48. Rf4 Qe7 49. Re4 Qf6+ 50. Rf4 Qe7 51. h4 Rd6 52. Re4 Qf7+ 53. Kg1 Qf6 54. Kh2 Rd5 55. Qb6 Ne5 56. Ng5+ Kg7 57. Ne6+ Kh7 58. Rf4 Qe7 59. Nf8+ Kg7 60. Ne6+ Kh7 61. Nf8+ Kg7 62. h5?? This is a huge blunder, which transforms a drawish position into a lost one. Besides, of course, the saving clause 62. Ne6+ Kh7 repeating the position and earning a draw, White might also have played 62. Qe6 Qd6! 63. Qe8 Ng4+ 64. Kh3 Nf2+ 65. Rxf2 Rd3+ 66. Rf3 Rxf3+ 67. gxf3 Qxf8 with equality. 62. ... Ng4+! 63. Rxg4 Rxh5+ 64. Kg3 Qe1+ 65. Qf2 Qxc3+ 66. Qf3 Qe1+ 67. Qf2 Qxf2+ 68. Kxf2 Rf5+ 69. Ke3 Rxf8 70. Rb4 Rb8 71. g4 Kf6 72. Kf4 Rb6 73. g5+ hxg5+ 74. Kg4 Ke5 0 : 1.

丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén)
Photo: India China Summit 2015

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