Monday, March 30, 2015

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

王麟 (Wáng Lín)

恩爱过后 就不来找我
总说你很忙 没空来陪我

万分难过 问你为什么
伤不起 真的伤不起
电话打给你 美女又在你怀里
伤不起 真的 伤不起
良心有木有 你的良心狗叼走

漂亮的美眉你 是否寂寞 我为你RAP这首歌
我的被窝里 没有辐射 碘盐也不用吃很多
不必再考虑 不必犹豫 我要送你一辆跑车
夜晚你和我咬耳朵 不要怀疑我的爱很多
你对我说 伤不起 害怕我把你抛弃
别再考虑 别再犹豫 我只想和你在一起
叫我声 亲爱的 其他什么都别说

I just can’t stand it
王麟 (Wáng Lín)

You’re surrounded by beautiful girls
And yet it looked like you had eyes only for me
After making love, you no longer want me
You always say you’re too busy for me
A long queue of sexy girls on your social sites
Apparently I’m just one among them

So very sad, I ask you, why?
What blind love, I’m not sexy enough for you?
I just can’t stand it, I will not stand it
I miss you I miss you, I miss you so much
I call you, but you’re holding a girl in your arms
I hate you, I hate you, I’ll hate you till it eats my heart out
I just can’t stand it, I will not stand it
I think, I think and I think, waiting for the strength to give up
Don’t you have a conscience anymore?
I hate you, I hate you, I’ll hate you till I forget you

Beautiful miss, are you alone? I’m rapping for you
My bed is not radioactive, you must not to eat salt
Stop thinking, don’t hesitate, come up to my sports car
I’ll nibble on your ear all night, don’t doubt my love
You tell me you cannot stand it, you are afraid I will get rid of you
Stop thinking, don’t hesitate, I just wanna be with you
Just give me a whistle, honey, no words needed to be spoken
We’ll eat hot pot and sing together a song

(Free translation by Nobody’s Perfect)

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