Saturday, March 7, 2015

Summit-Reunion Cumbre

丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén) – Baskaran Adhiban
India China Summit; Hyderabad, February 2, 2015
Neo-Grünfeld Defence D71

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c6 4. Bg2 d5 5. Nf3 Bg7 6. Qb3 0-0 7. 0-0 Qb6 8. Nc3 Rd8 9. Na4 Qa6. This move leaves Black a little behind in development. Sounder was 9. ... Qxb3 10. axb3 Na6; for example: 11. Bf4 Bf5 12. Nc3 Nh5 13. Bg5 Nf6 14. Rfc1 h6 15. Bf4 g5 16. Be5 Ne8 17. Bxg7 Kxg7 18. e3 e6 19. Ne1 Nf6 20. Bf1 Nc7 21. Bd3 Bxd3 22. Nxd3 Nd7 23. Na4 Ne8 24. Ne5 Nef6 25. Nd3 Ne4 26. Rc2 h5 27. Kg2 Rh8 28. h3 a6 29. Re1 Nd6 30. Nac5 ½ : ½ E. l’Ami – Potkin, 77th Tata Steel Chess Tournament (Challengers), Wijk aan Zee 2015. 10. cxd5 Qxe2 11. dxc6 Nxc6 12. Re1 Qa6 13. Bd2 Nxd4. Black grabs the Pawn without due consideration. 10. ... Ng4 seems to be a better move. 14. Nxd4 Rxd4 15. Nc5 Qb6 16. Bc3 Rd8 17. Rxe7 Qxb3 18. axb3 Nd5 19. Rd1 Bxc3 20. bxc3. Black is completely tied up on the Queenside. 20. ... Be6. Black’s trying to develop, just for falling down. In any case after 20. ... Nxe7 21. Rxd8+ Kg7 22. Nxb7 Bxb7 23. Rxa8 White wins.

21. Rxe6! An effective, surprising and beautiful coup. After 21. Nxe6 fxe6 22. Rxe6 Nxc3 23. Rxd8+ Rxd8 24. Bxb7 White’s extra Pawn doesn’t guarantee a win. 21. ... fxe6 22. Nxe6 Rd6 23. Bxd5. With two pieces for the Rook the win is nearly a joke. 23. ... Kh8 24. c4 Re8 25. Nd4 Rd7 26. Kg2 Kg7 27. Ra1 a6 28. Ne6+ Kf6 29. Nc5 1 : 0.

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