Thursday, April 2, 2015

一致欢呼 (Acclamation)

3月29日晚,意大利华商总会普拉托华商会假座普拉托国际大酒店,隆重举行第七届换届庆典大会。王增理先生连任会长、周荣景荣任执行会长、周建华荣任第一常务副会长、王建汉荣任理事长、王贤松荣任监事长、莫东科荣任秘书长。中国驻佛罗伦萨总领馆王辅国总领事、意大利政府官员、意大利侨界各兄弟侨团以及会长团全体成员共300余人出席活动。[Read more].

On Sunday evening, March 29, 2015, the “Associazione Generale del Commercio Italo-Cinese — Sezione di Prato” sumptuously celebrated its seventh general assembly in Prato. Mr. 王增理 (Wáng Zēnglǐ) was re-elected President, while Messrs 周荣景 (Zhōuróng Jǐng), 周建华 (Zhōu Jiànhuá), 王建汉 (Wáng Jiànhàn), 王贤松 (Wáng Xiánsōng) and Dr. 莫东科 (Mò Dōngkē) respectively served as Executive Director, First Vice-Chairman, Chairman, Chief Supervisor and Secretary-General. Chinese General Consul in Florence 王辅国 (Wáng Fǔguó) attended the ceremony. According to our correspondent, some 300 people attended the meeting.

President Mr. Wáng Zēnglǐ (王增理先生). Photo: italiapratohuashanghui.

Secretary-General Dr. Mò Dōngkē (莫东科). Photo: italiapratohuashanghui.

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