Sunday, May 24, 2015


DISCLAIMER: Please note that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between me, viz. LABIRINTI e CASEMATTE, and any third-party chess organizations.
It is a fact that some young chess players had attended our school of chess before, long enough to make some progress, but more important is the fact – as far as concerns my honourability – that there has never been absolutely no connection whatsoever between me and most of the managers involved in such third-party chess organizations.
Finally, please note that there has never been no connection whatsoever between me and the so-called “education managers” of such third-party chess organizations, if not for the fact that they have systematically exploited my work.
I proudly represents just myself and the Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”.
Thank you for your attention.
Lorenzo Barsi

Giunchiglia Marina (Solo)
Artwork: ™ © Mado Flynn

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