Monday, May 25, 2015

One Way Out

Dmitry Olegovich Jakovenko – Boris Abramovich Gelfand
Grand Prix 2014–2015; 4th stage; Khanty-Mansiysk, May 23, 2015
q6k/3Q4/3P4/5Pp1/5n2/1B5P/PP3K2/8 b - - 4 48

After having suffered during all the phases of the game, Gelfand finally unsettles his opponent with a last-ditch trick: 48. ... g4! 49. hxg4?? Jakovenko misses the point and falls into the trap! After 49. Kg3! Qf3+ 50. Kh4 Qf2+ 51. Kg5! (on 51. Kxg4?? Qg2+ 52. Kxf4 Qe4+! 53. Kg5 Qg4+! 54. Kf6 Qxf5+!! 55. Ke7 Qf6+! 56. Ke8 Qf8+! 57. Kxf8 is a pretty stalemate!) 51. ... Nxh3+ 52. Kg6 Nf4+ 53. Kf7 Black is dead lost. 49. ... Qg2+ 50. Ke3 Nd5+! 51. Kd4 Qf2+! 52. Kxd5 Qd4+! 53. Kxd4 stalemate.

Boris Abramovich Gelfand. Photo: Kirill Merkurev.

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