Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Vladimir Borisovich Kramnik – Peter Veniaminovich Svidler
22nd Russian Team Chess Championship; Sochi, May 2, 2015
RĂ©ti Opening A04

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 d5 3. Bg2 g6 4. b3 Bg7 5. Bb2 c5 6. c4 d4 7. b4 Nfd7 8. 0-0 Nc6. For 8. ... 0-0 9. bxc5 Nxc5 10. d3 Nc6 11. Nbd2 a5 see A. J. Miles - I. Sokolov, Belgrade 1988. 9. bxc5 0-0 10. d3 Nxc5 11. Nbd2 Rb8 12. Ba3 Qa5 13. Qc1 Na4 14. Nb3 Qc7 15. Qc2 Bd7 16. Rae1 Rfd8 17. e3. White conquers the centre with impressive simplicity and elegance. 17. ... dxe3 18. fxe3 h6 19. d4 Bf5 20. e4 Bg4 21. e5 Nb6. This move will cause Black more trouble. 22. Nh4! Suddenly Svidler has to reckon with the terrible threat of 23. Rxf7! Kxf7 24. Qxg6+ with an irresistible attack. 22. ... Nxd4. Thus, Black decides to capture the Pawn. 23. Qf2! Qxc4. Black most probably ought not to have accepted the second Pawn, but nevertheless on 23. ... Nf5 24. e6! White’s attack is still flourishing. 24. Re4. Forcing a decisive material gain. 24. ... Be6 25. Nxd4 Bd5

26. Ne6! Bxe6. Black also gives up his Queen, for if 26. ... Bxe4 then 27. Qxf7+ and mate next move. 27. Rxc4 Nxc4 28. Bxe7 Rd2 29. Qxa7 Bxe5 30. Nf3 Bc7 1 : 0. A game played in classic Capablanca style!

Vladimir Borisovich Kramnik

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