Friday, July 3, 2015

Betting on Chess

Do you follow chess at all?
I follow the old chess, I follow all the pre-arranged matches, like the last Kramnik – Kasparov match. At the highest level it is all pre-arranged, move by move. You have very interesting, beautiful pre-arranged games being created by very intelligent players, working with computers, working in teams. I have no objections to people creating such games, but they must say these are pre-arranged games, but they must not claim that they are finding the moves over the board. I have learned so much from these pre-arranged matches and all these cooked-up notes, they’re wonderful. But they are fake, they are flawed.

Robert James Fischer interviewed by Helgi Helgasson and Sæmundur Pálsson for a Reykjavík radio station on January 27, 2002.

Robert James Fischer in Belgrade, 1970
Photo: Stevan Kragujević

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