Monday, September 14, 2015

Michael Adams again demonstrated his mastery of endgames with opposite-coloured Bishops, as he struck late in the game to defeat women’s world champion Maria Muzychuk of Ukraine and reach the second round of the FIDE World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan. [Read more].
Mariya Muzychuk – Michael Adams
6th Chess World Cup; match game 2; Baku, September 11, 2015
8/5pp1/7k/2Bp4/4pP1P/p3P3/Pr2bRKP/8 w - - 10 41

Notes by International Master Malcom Bernard Pein

Adams’s last move, 40. ... Bc4-e2!, forces the reply 41.Bxa3 Rc2! (Preventing Ba3-c5 or Ba3-b2, and forcing ... d5-d4, creating a passed Pawn) 42. f5 d4 43. exd4 e3 44. Rf4 [The only way to resist was 44. Bc1 Bf3+ 45. Kxf3 (45. Kg3 Rxc1 46. Rxf3 e2) 45. ... Rxf2+ 46. Ke4. If 46. Kxe3 Rxf5 Black has good winning chances] 44. ... Bc4+ 45. Kg3 Bd5 (White is two Pawns up, but helpless against the advance of the e3-Pawn. Compare the mobility of the Rooks and Bishops. Not for nothing is Adams known as “the spider”) 46. Rg4 Rf2! (46. ... e2 47. Kf2=) 47. Rg5 f6 48. Rg6+ Kh7 49. h5 Rxf5 50. Bf8 Kg8 51. Bb4 (51. Bxg7 Rxh5 52. Bh6+ Kh7 53. Rxf6 Rxh6 wins 54. Rf1 Rg6+ 55. Kh4 e2) 51. ... Kf7 52. Kh4 Bf3 0 : 1. 53. Rg1 Rxh5+ 54. Kg3 Rg5+ is simplest.

Mariya Muzychuk
Photo: Eteri Kublashvili

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