Friday, October 23, 2015

King Kong

Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk – Laurent Fressinet
4th Trophée Anatoly Karpov; Cap d’Agde, October 23, 2015
Scotch Game C45

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Qf6 5. Nb5 Bc5 6. Qe2 Bb6 7. N1c3 Nge7 8. Be3 Ba5 9. 0-0-0 a6 10. Nd5 Nxd5 11. exd5 axb5 12. Bd4+ Qe7 13. dxc6 bxc6 14. Bxg7 Rg8 15. Be5. Another, possibly more interesting, try is 15. Bf6 Qxe2 16. Bxe2 Rxg2 17. Rhg1 with better chances of compensation for the Pawn, A. Kogan – Jonkman, 3rd Torneo Internacional, Bajada de la Virgen 2005. 15. ... d5 16. Bg3 Qxe2 17. Bxe2 Bf5 18. Bd3 Bg6 19. c3 Kd7 20. Kc2 Bb6 21. a3 Rae8 22. Rhe1 Bxd3+ 23. Kxd3 c5 24. f3 c4+ 25. Kc2 c6 26. Re4 Re6 27. a4 bxa4 28. Rxc4 Re2+ 29. Kb1 Bf2 30. Re4 Rxe4 31. fxe4 Bxg3 32. hxg3 Rxg3 33. exd5 Rxg2 34. dxc6+ Kxc6 35. Rh1 f5 36. Rxh7 Kd5. White has recovered her Pawn, but Black’s King, having much greater mobility, makes the difference.

37. Ra7. This may seem a loss of time, but perhaps no. In any case, after 37. Rf7 Ke4 38. Re7+ Kf3 39. c4 White would have retained definite chances of a draw. 37. ... f4 38. Rxa4 f3 39. Rf4 f2 40. Ka2 Ke5 41. Rf8 Ke4 42. Kb3 Ke3 43. c4? Here White throws away the game. It seems to us that 43. Re8+! Kd3 44. Rf8 Ke2 45. Kc4 should draw easily. 43. ... Rg3 44. Rxf2 Kxf2+ 45. Kb4 Ke3 46. Kb5 Kd4 47. b4 Rg8 48. c5 Ke5 0 : 1.

Mariya Muzychuk vs. Laurent Fressinet
Photo: Europe Échecs (@EuropeEchecs)

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