Friday, October 16, 2015

Les Jeux des nuages et de la pluie

侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) – Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk
Women’s Grand Prix Series 2015-2016; Monte Carlo, October 15, 2015
Vienna Game C26

1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. g3 Nc6 4. Bg2 Bc5 5. Nge2 d6 6. h3 Be6 7. Na4 a6 8. Nxc5 dxc5 9. d3. After 9. 0-0 there may follow 9. ... Qd7 10. Kh2 Ng8 11. Nc3 Nge7 12. f4 f6 13. d3 0-0-0 14. Be3 c4 with consequences similar to those in the game, Runić – Savanović, Banja Dvorovi Banja Dvorovi 2002. 9. ... Qd6 10. Be3 Nd7 11. 0-0 f6 12. c3 0-0-0 13. Qc2 f5 14. Rad1 Nf6 15. f4 fxe4 16. dxe4 Qe7 17. f5 Bf7 18. g4 h6 19. Nc1 Na5 20. b3 b6 21. Bf3 Kb8 22. Rxd8+ Rxd8 23. h4 Nh7 24. Qh2

So far White has played quite badly, committing herself to a serious Kingside weakening; no wonder then that Kosteniuk is ready to launch a crushing assault on the enemy scattered position. 24. ... c4. Very well played. 25. b4 Nb7. Intending ... Nb7-d6 followed by ... Bf7-e8-c6. 26. Kg2. This only helps Black to spread her wings. White should have tried to consolidate with Be3-f2-g3. 26. ... Nd6 27. g5 Be8 28. Qg3 Bc6 29. Qg4 hxg5 30. Bxg5. If, instead, 30. hxg5 then 30. ... Nf7 31. g6 Nf6 32. Bg5 Rd2+! and Black wins. 30. ... Nxg5? Here 30. ... Nf6! was very strong, because sooner or later White will have to take on f6 and then the resulting opening of the g-file will leave Black with a terrific attack. 31. Qxg5 Qxg5+ 32. hxg5 Bxe4 33. Re1 Bxf5 34. Rxe5 g6 35. Re7 Bd3 36. Bc6 Nb5 37. Bxb5 axb5 38. Re5 Kb7 39. Kf2 Kc6 40. Ke3 Rh8? Mrs. Kosteniuk misses another big chance before the time control. After 40. ... Bf5! her opponent would have had to find more than one good move to save the day. If, for instance, 41. Ne2 then 41. ... Kd6! 42. Kd4 c5+! 43. bxc5+ Kc6+ 44. Ke3 bxc5 followed sooner or later by ... b5-b4 (Nerwal’s analysis). 41. Nxd3 Rh3+ 42. Kd2 Rxd3+ 43. Kc2. Now the ending looks drawish. Kosteniuk therefore decides to give back the Pawn trying to trap the White Rook. A clever idea, but not sufficient. 43. ... Kd6!? 44. Rxb5 Rg3 45. a4 Rg2+ 46. Kb1 Re2 47. Kc1 Kc6 48. Kb1 Re3 49. Kc2 Re1 50. Kb2 Re8 51. Ka2 Kd6 52. Kb2 Re1 53. Kc2 Re2+ 54. Kc1 Ra2 55. a5 Kc6 56. Re5 bxa5 57. Rc5+ Kb6 58. Rxc4 a4 59. Rc5 Rg2 60. Kb1 a3 61. Ra5 Rb2+ 62. Ka1 Rg2 63. Kb1 c6 64. Rc5 Rb2+ 65. Ka1 Rg2 ½ : ½.

Alexandra Konstantinovna Kosteniuk
Photo: FIDE Grand Prix 2015

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