Wednesday, October 7, 2015

One Way Trip

Francesco Rambaldi – Arkadij Mikhailovich Naiditsch
2nd PokerStars Isle of Man International Chess Tournament; Douglas, October 6, 2015
RĂ©ti Opening A05

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. b3 d5 4. Bb2 c5 5. c4 d4 6. b4 Nc6!? 7. b5 Na5 8. d3 b6 9. Bg2 Bb7 10. 0-0 Bh6 11. Bc1 Bxc1 12. Qxc1 Qd6. Intending to answer 13. Qh6 by 13. ... Ng4 14. Qg7 Qf6. 13. Nbd2 a6 14. bxa6 Rxa6 15. Nb3 0-0 16. Nxa5 Rxa5 17. Qd2 Rfa8 18. Rfb1 R8a7 19. Rb2 Kg7 20. Qf4 Nd7 21. Qxd6 exd6 22. Ng5 Bxg2 23. Kxg2 Kf6 24. Nxh7+. “It took 13 moves to capture it, but the White Knight never made it back alive! :)”, the editor-in-chief of said. 24. ... Kf5

25. e4+. If 25. h4 then 25. ... f6. 25. ... dxe3 26. fxe3 g5 27. h4 gxh4 28. gxh4 f6 29. h5 Ra8 30. Rf2+ Ke6 31. Raf1 Rxa2 32. Rxa2 Rxa2+ 33. Kh3 Ra8 34. Rg1 Kf7 35. h6 Rg8 36. Rxg8 Kxg8. Finally, Black can capture the Knight. 37. Nxf6+ Nxf6 38. Kg3 Kh7 39. Kf4 Kg6 40. d4 d5 41. cxd5 Nxd5+ 42. Ke4 c4 0 : 1.

Rambaldi vs. Naiditsch. Photo: Fiona Steil-Antoni.

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