Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Sound and the Fury

Anna Olehivna Muzychuk – Zhansaya Daniyarqyzy Abdumalik
4th Trophée Anatoly Karpov; Cap d’Agde, October 26, 2015
Bird’s Opening A03

1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. 0-0 0-0 6. d3 c5 7. Qe1 Nc6 8. e4 dxe4 9. dxe4 e5 10. c3 Re8 11. f5 gxf5 12. Nh4 fxe4. For 12. ... Nxe4 13. Nxf5 see Sale – Armanda, International Open, Zagreb 2009. 13. Nd2 Ne7 14. Nxe4 Nxe4 15. Bxe4 Rf8 16. Bg5 f6 17. Rd1 Qb6 18. Be3 Bg4 19. Rd2 f5 20. Bg2 Qc7 21. Rdf2 Rad8 22. Qc1 f4 23. gxf4 Nd5 24. f5 Nxe3 25. Qxe3 Rf6 26. Qg5 Bd1 27. c4 Rd4 28. Bd5+ Kf8 29. Rg2 Qe7

30. h3. Also 30. Kh1! (threatening Rf1-g1) deserves serious consideration. 30. ... Qc7 31. Nf3. Much stronger looks 31. Re1! (threatening Re1xe5), e.g. 31. ... Ba4 32. Nf3 Rd1 33. Rxd1 Bxd1 34. Nxe5 Qe7 35. Qxf6+! and wins. 31. ... Bxf3 32. Rxf3 h6 33. Qc1 Ke8 34. Rfg3 Bf8. The worst is over, and Zhansaya Daniyarqyzy, after having survived the middle game, will be able to hold her own in the ending too. 35. Be6 Qd6 36. Qc2 a6 37. Qe2 e4 38. h4 Kd8 39. Kh2 Kc7 40. Kh3 Kb6 41. Bd5 Qe5 42. Rb3+ Kc7 43. Rxb7+ Kc8 44. Rb3 Qxf5+ 45. Qg4 Qxg4+ 46. Rxg4 Rd3+ 47. Rxd3 exd3 48. Rg3 Rf2 49. Rxd3 Rxb2 50. Ra3 Rb6 51. Kg4 Be7 52. h5 Kd7 53. Kf5 Rf6+ 54. Ke5 Rb6 55. Rf3 Bd6+ 56. Ke4 Be7 57. Rf7 Rf6 58. Rh7 Rb6 59. Ke5 a5 60. Be4 Kd8 61. Bf5 Ra6 62. Rh8+ Kc7 63. Rh7 Kd8 64. a4 Rb6 65. Be6 Bg5 66. Kd5 Rb4 67. Kxc5 Rxa4 68. Kc6 Ra1 69. c5 a4 70. Ra7 a3 71. Bd5 Be3 72. Kd6 Bf4+ 73. Ke6 Be3 74. Kd6 Bf4+ 75. Ke6 Be3 76. Kd6 Bf4+ 77. Ke6 Be3 78. Kd6 Bf4+ 79. Ke6 Be3 ½ : ½.

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