Saturday, November 21, 2015

Великий шовковий шлях (丝绸之路)
Ukrainians willing to learn more about China
Representatives of Ukraine and China have agreed on signing a letter of intent for international cooperation in the field of information

This year’s World Television Day was the date of birth of a new information space between Ukraine and China. On November 13 at the headquarters of the branch of the National Broadcasting Company of Ukraine TRK Lviv representatives of the two countries signed a letter of intent for international cooperation in the field of information.
“In Lviv, it is more than five years of Ukrainian-Chinese operating company”, says the executive director of the Lviv branch ‘Lviv Regional Directorate’ of NTU Mykhaylo Hryhorovych Khvoynytsky. “The community promotes and represents the events taking place both in Ukraine and China. When the Ukrainian information space was filled by our eastern neighbours’ lower-quality products, the government decided to stop the invasion of Russian programs. So we conceived the idea of a direct informational cooperation with China”. [Read more].

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