Sunday, December 20, 2015

Loch Garry

Magnus Carlsen – Nino Batsiashvili
2nd Qatar Masters Open; Doha, December 20, 2013
RĂ©ti Opening A07

1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 c5 4. c4 d4 5. b4 cxb4 6. a3 b3 7. Qxb3 Nc6 8. 0-0 e5 9. e3 Be7 10. exd4. 10. e3 Nd7 11. exd4 exd4 transposes into Arduman – Ivanchuk, Saraybahce Blitz Exhibition, Kocaeli 2002, match game 1. 10. ... exd4. 10. ... e4 followed by ... Nc6xd4 is also good. 11. Bb2 0-0 12. Re1 Re8 13. a4 Na5 14. Qd3 Be6 15. Na3 Bxa3! Nino is not afraid to give up the Bishop pair as she will be able to significantly simplify the position. 16. Bxa3 Bxc4 17. Qxd4 Qxd4 18. Nxd4 Bd5 19. Rxe8+ Rxe8 20. Rc1 b6 21. Bf1 Bb7 22. Nf5 Rd8 23. d4 Nd5 24. Bg2 g6 25. Nd6 Ba8 26. h4 h5 27. Re1 Bc6 28. Re5

28. ... Nf6!! Although Batsiashvili is in serious time trouble, she dares to sacrifice a Pawn for launching a vehement counter-attack against the Untouchable King. 29. Rxa5 Bxg2 30. Rxa7 Bd5 31. Ra6 Nd7 32. Nb5. Magnus too got short of time. 32. Kf1 was called for. 32. ... Re8! Keep attacking! 33. Bb4 Re2 34. Ra7 Nf6 35. Kf1 Rb2 36. Bc3 Rc2 37. Rc7 Ng4 38. Ke1 Rxf2 39. Rc8+ Kh7 40. Rd8 Bf3. Time control is reached. Carlsen survived the attack, but the position is balanced. 41. Re8 f6 42. Re7+ Kg8 43. Re8+ Kh7 44. Re7+ Kg8 45. Bd2 Rg2 46. Bf4 g5! 47. hxg5 fxg5 48. Bxg5 Rxg3 49. Nc3 Bc6 50. Kd2 Rg2+ 51. Re2 Nf2 52. d5. 52. Bd8 Ne4+ leads also to a draw. 52. ... Bxd5 53. Nxd5 Ne4+ 54. Ke3 Rxe2+ 55. Kxe2 Nxg5 56. Nxb6 Ne6 57. a5 Nc7 ½ : ½.

Magnus Carlsen vs. Nino Batsiashvili. Photo: David Llada

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