Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Solar energy

“I could undoubtedly have done better. I play very rarely men’s tournaments. The average rating was very high. At one point I feared that I would have fallen down. I felt exhausted and could hardly terminate my games. I directly realized that men are able to concentrate for the whole game and to recover more quickly from their energy loss. I’d say it’s not a question of psychology, but rather of strength and resistance. It’s a well-known fact that men are more resilient under strain. That’s why I could never have won the Championship. I always played fighting games and I was often the last to finish. You need to take part in such tournaments for making appreciable progress. It was an invaluable experience”, Mariya Muzychuk told Bogdan Pasternak of galinfo.com.ua. Regarding the necessity of hiding her games from the “enemy’s eyes”, Miss Muzychuk minimizes the seriousness of the secret: “As far as I know, it was just a joke. My database file includes almost all my games – it’s more than enough to allow anyone to prepare for fighting. The organizers decided to hide my Ukrainian Chess Championship’s games, and I agreed”.
Is Mariya Muzychuk looking up for renewable energy?
Photo: ukrchess.com

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