Wednesday, January 6, 2016

MOSCOW, January 1, 2016. TASS correspondent: Andrey Fyodorovich Kartashov. FIDE President Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov hopes that chess can overtake baseball as America’s most popular sport in 2016 – he told TASS correspondent.
“2016 will be a rich year for chess. In March, we are waiting for the Women’s World Chess Championship match [Translator’s Note: In Lviv, Ukraine]. Then America will host the World Chess Championship match. Furthermore, World Chess Federation declared 2016 ‘Year of Chess’ in the United States. I want to believe that chess can achieve all over the country the same popularity as in the days of Bobby Fischer [Ed. Note: 11th World Chess Champion]. I wish chess could become more popular than baseball in the United States”, Ilyumzhinov said. [Read more].

Bobby Fischer playing baseball in New York, 1955
Foto: Chess in Pictures

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