Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Radio London

Vera Valeryevna Nebolsina – Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk
14th Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival; Catalan Bay, January 26, 2016
Blumenfeld Counter-Gambit E10

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. c4 c5 4. d5 b5 5. Bg5 exd5 6. cxd5 h6 7. Bxf6 Qxf6

8. Qd2. For 8. Nbd2 Qxb2 9. e4 c4 take a look at Dzagnidze – A. Muzychuk, Women’s World Blitz Championship, Khanty-Mansiysk 2014. Needless to say, if Alexander Aleksandrovich Alekhine used to play at this point 8. Qc2, there should be a good reason for doing the same. 8. ... Be7 9. e3 Qb6 10. Nc3 a6 11. Bd3 Bb7 12. Bc2 d6 13. 0-0 Nd7. White’s strategy didn’t work quite so well, and Black has already gained the upper hand. 14. Rfb1?? The most uninspired “mysterious Rook move” I ever witnessed. 14. ... Rc8 15. Qd3 g6 16. h4 h5 17. Ne4 Nf6 18. Nfg5. White is probably dreaming to sacrifice her Knight on f7. 18. ... 0-0 19. Nc3 c4 20. Qd2 b4 21. Ne2? Winter is coming. Anyway, after 21. Na4 Qb5 22. e4 a5 Black stands much better. 21. ... Nxd5 22. e4 Nf6 23. Nf4 Ng4 24. Re1 Bf6 25. Rad1 Bxb2 26. Nd5 Bxd5 0 : 1. For if 27. exd5 then 27. ... Bc3 finis.

Nebolsina vs. Muzychuk. Photo: Sophie Tray.

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