Monday, February 15, 2016

Art history
Founder of Art Russe Andrey Filatov for his part said: “26 million victims is the price paid by the Soviet Union for victory in World War II. The theme of World War II, one of the most tragic pages in the history of Russia, has had a huge impact on the work of several generations of Soviet artists. The works of those who directly witnessed the war and went through its spiritual and physical trials are particularly valuable.
‘Freedom!’ by Evsey Moiseenko is a very personal work of an outstanding artist. It shows that the spirit of man, the desire for freedom is stronger than the most terrible ordeal. Last year, this painting was shown at the Saatchi Gallery in London on the occasion of the Art Russe exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism, as well as at the exhibition ‘Art Russe Collection of Russian and Soviet Art of the Twentieth Century: War and Peace’ in Abu Dhabi. It will now be exhibited in Jerusalem. I am very grateful for the opportunity to exhibit this painting at Yad Vashem, this unique and tragic place that houses the memory and testimony of millions of victims of Nazism”. [Read more].

Evsey Evseevich Moiseenko, “Freedom!”, 1962

The President of the Russian Chess Federation and Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts as well Andrey Vasilievich Filatov. Photo: Forbes.

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