Tuesday, April 19, 2016

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

On April 4, 2016, on the occasion of the 清明节 (Qīngmíng Festival), a Beautiful Mind came to 八宝山革命公墓 (Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery) in 北京 (Běijīng) to put flowers at the grave of 薄一波 (Bó Yībō) and his wife 胡明 (Hú Míng) on behalf of their son 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái), the unforgotten Communist Party Secretary of 重庆 (Chongqing), sentenced to life imprisonment on unproven bribery charges. The elegiac couplet says: “Mother, father: you will always be in my heart”. It was signed by the Comrade 薄熙来 (Bó Xīlái) on August 26, 2013 during his trial at the 济南 (Jǐnán) intermediate people’s court.

花篮挽联上写的“父亲、母亲,你们永远是我心中的神圣”,是2013年8月26日薄熙来同志在济南法庭上最后陈述中的一句话。 Photo courtesy of RedChinaCn.net.

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