Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Strike for Dignity

Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk – Olga Alexandrovna Girya
Women’s Grand Prix 2015–2016; 3rd stage; Batumi, April 26, 2016
Caro-Kann Defence B10

1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e5 Ne4 5. Ne2 Qb6 6. d4 e6 7. Nfg1 f6 8. f3 Ng5 9. exf6 gxf6 10. f4 Nf7 11. Nf3 Be7 12. Ng3 c5 13. f5 Nc6 14. fxe6!?TN Bxe6 15. Bd3 0-0-0 16. Bf5 Nxd4 17. Nxd4 cxd4 18. 0-0 d3+ 19. Kh1 dxc2 20. Qxc2+. After very long thought. 20. ... Kb8 21. Bf4+ Ne5 22. Rae1 Bxf5 23. Nxf5 Bd6 24. Nxd6 Qxd6 25. Qf5 Rde8 26. Bg3. White has good compensation for the Pawn. 26. ... Re6 27. Bh4 Rhe8 28. Rd1 a6 29. Qxh7 Ka8 30. Qf5 Rf8. 30. ... d4 31. Bxf6 Nc6 is unbalanced and unclear, but it appears to offer better chances of holding. 31. Rd4 Ree8 32. Rfd1 Nc6 33. Rxd5 Ne7? The immediate 34. ... Qb4 was called for; in that case White should most likely have contented herself with 35. Qf2 relaying on her extra Pawn to eventually secure a laborious win. 34. Qd7! Muzychuk is now a Pawn ahead and dominates the board, but what ever will happen in the time scramble? 34. ... Qb4 35. R5d4 Qxb2. 35. ... Qb6 36. Bf2 is no better. 36. Bxf6. Even stronger is 36. Re4! and Black gets in zugzwang for if 36. ... Qa3 then 37. Bf2 finis. 36. ... Nc6. Both players were in serious time trouble. More stubborn was 36. ... Nc8, although after 37. Bg7! Qf2 (37. ... Rg8 38. Qf7 Qc2 39. h3 makes no much difference) 38. h3 White is up a Pawn and has a far superior position.

37. Qxe8+! Muzychuk finally decides to stop her strike for dignity! 37. ... Rxe8 38. Rd8+ Nxd8 39. Bxb2 Nc6 40. h4 Re2 41. Bg7 Rxa2 42. Rd5 Ra4 43. h5 Kb8 44. h6 Ne7 45. Rh5 Kc7 46. h7 Ng6 47. Rh6 Rg4 48. Bf6 1 : 0.

Muzychuk vs. Girya. Photo: Chess-News.ru (‏@Chess__News).

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