Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Star Called Nona
Tbilisi, Georgia, opened its doors to host a liturgical mass celebration of the 75th birthday of five-time Women’s World Chess Champion Nona Terentevna Gaprindashvili.

Nona Terentevna Gaprindashvili is handed flowers amid the crowd; in front of her (on the right) is FIDE President Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov, who, on the occasion, was accompanied by his family. Major political leaders such as, for instance, former Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili and current Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili joined the party. Photo: (@Chess__News).

It was year 1963. Nona Terentevna just became Women’s World Chess Champion. She will wear the crown as Chess Queen four times more. Photo:

The solemn celebration in honour of Nona Terentevna Gaprindashvili was staged at the Rustaveli National Theatre in Tblisi, Georgia. FIDE President Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov (the three pictures above to his credit) acted as master of ceremonies.

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