Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dancing the Silence

From left: Serena Vinci, Chiara Angelini, Viola Rocchini, and Alessandra Innocenti. Photo: Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”.

Sunday evening, on occasion of the 18th International Dance Festival “Vetrina Scuole di Danza AICS” Award ceremony at the Teatro Verdi, the artistic director of the organization Mrs. Stefania Landi awarded the medal “A Passion Beyond The Senses” to Serena Vinci, élite dancer of Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna” for the ability with which she performed in overcoming deafness through dance.
Serena is deaf and reads lips to understand the world around her. When very young she came to our dance school, nobody could know that she would have became such a good dancer. Her dance teacher Alessandra as well as her dance teammates Arianna, Chiara, and Letizia didn’t follow any “method” except their own, that consisted of behaving normal with her.
Serena’s family constantly helped and supported her without any valuable assistance from the institutions. Her mother left her own work – and her income as well – to devote herself more to her daughter, and her father had to work twice as hard to take care of the family – Serena, in fact, has also a brother.
When dancing on stage, no one ever noticed she didn’t hear the music, and that’s worth more than any rethorical speech.

1 comment:

  1. Brava Serena, la tua passione il tuo impegno e la tua costanza ti porteranno lontano.
    Ti conosco da quando eri piccola, ed ho visto i tuoi progressi.
    Come tanti ragazzi nati con sordità profonda ti sei impegnata e sei riuscita a parlare come tutti, a seguire gli studi come tutti gli altri ragazzi, dimostrando che la sordità si può anche superare, "naturalmente seguendo un determinato percorso di protesizzazione, riabilitazione..etc"
    Adesso sei diventata anche una brava ballerina...
    Sei di esempio per tanti e tante ragazze.

    Vi invito a visitare il nostro sito www.fiaddatoscana.it ed il nostro profilo di facebook fiadda toscana onlus
