Friday, June 24, 2016

Silence in the Library

沈阳 (Shěn Yáng) – 王珏 (Wáng Jué)
2016 Chinese Chess League Division A; 嘉兴, Jiāxīng, June 23, 2016
King’s Indian Defence E92

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Be2 0-0 6. Nf3 e5 7. dxe5 dxe5 8. 0-0 Na6 9. Be3 c6 10. Qxd8 Rxd8 11. Rfd1 Re8 12. h3 Bf8 13. a3 Nc5 14. Nd2 a5 15. b3. For 15. b4 Ne6 16. c5 Nd4 see S. Ernst – van Wely, 76th Dutch Chess Championship, Eindhoven 2010. 15. ... Ne6 16. Na4 Nd7 17. Bg4 Nd4 18. Bxd4? It seems a serious error of judgement. After 18. Nf3 f5!? the game is more or less balanced. 18. ... exd4 19. Bxd7 Bxd7 20. c5 Be6 21. Rab1 f5 22. Nf3 fxe4 23. Nxd4 Bd5 24. Nc2 Rad8 25. Ne3 Bf7 26. b4

26. ... Rd3! The biting dust begins to stung under 沈阳 (Shěn Yáng)’s finger nails. 27. Rxd3. Perhaps 27. bxa5 Rxa3 would have held Black a bit more at bay. 27. ... exd3 28. bxa5 Ra8? 王珏 (Wáng Jué) misses her big chance. After 28. ... d2! (threatening ... Bf7-a2) 29. Nc3 Bxc5 Black’s position appears imposing. 29. Nb2 Bxc5 30. Nxd3 Bxe3 31. fxe3 Rxa5 32. Rxb7 Rxa3. The position is now roughly equal, but they both keep striving hand-to-hand for victory. 33. Ne5 Bd5 34. Ng4 h5 35. Nf6+ Kf8 36. e4 Be6 37. Nh7+ Ke8 38. Ng5 Bd7 39. Kf2 c5 40. Rc7 Rc3 41. e5 Bf5 42. Nf7 Rc2+ 43. Kg3 Be6 44. Nd6+ Kd8 45. Rxc5 Rd2. White’s extra Pawn is meaningless, but the two girls will agree a draw only after “theoretical” evidence. 46. Ne4 Rd4 47. Ng5 Bd5 48. e6 Ke7 49. Rc7+ Kf6 50. e7 h4+ 51. Kf2 Bf7 52. Ke3 Rd5 53. Ne4+ Ke6 54. Kf4 Rd4 55. Ke3 Rd5 56. Ra7 Rb5 57. Nd2 Re5+ 58. Kf4 g5+ 59. Kf3 Bh5+ 60. g4 hxg3+ 61. Kxg3 Re3+ 62. Kf2 Re2+ 63. Kg3 Rxd2 64. Ra5 Kf6 65. h4 gxh4+ 66. Kxh4 Be8 67. Ra7 Ke6 68. Kg3 Bd7 69. Kf4 Kxe7 70. Ke3 Rd6 71. Ke4 Ke6 72. Ke3 Bc6 73. Rh7 Kd5 74. Rh5+ Kc4 75. Rh4+ Kc5 76. Rh5+ Bd5 77. Rh8 Rg6 78. Rc8+ Kd6 79. Rc3 Ke5 80. Rd3 Be4 81. Rc3 Rg2 82. Rc5+ Bd5 83. Rc3 Ra2 84. Rd3 Bc4 85. Rc3 Kd5 86. Kf4 Kd4 87. Rf3 Bd5 88. Rf1 Rd2 89. Kf5 Bc4 90. Rf4+ Kd5 91. Kf6 Re2 92. Rf5+ Kd6 93. Rf4 Re6+ 94. Kf5 Bd3+ 95. Kg4 Be4 96. Kg3 Ke5 97. Rg4 Kd4 98. Kf4 Rf6+ 99. Kg5 Rf5+ 100. Kh6 Rf7 101. Rg7 Rf4 102. Kg5 Rf5+ 103. Kg4 Ke3 104. Re7 Rf1 105. Kg5 Rg1+ 106. Kf6 Kf4 107. Rg7 Ra1 108. Re7 Bf5 109. Rc7 Ra5 110. Rc6 Ra7 111. Rd6 Rh7 112. Rd4+ Be4 113. Rd6 Rh6+ 114. Ke7 Rh7+ 115. Kf6 Rh6+ 116. Ke7 Rxd6 ½ : ½.

沈阳 (Shěn Yáng)

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