Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Importance of Not Being Arcovazzi

Sincerely speaking, I’m not too worried about the English vote to leave the European Union, because I know that England will never leave Europe.
England heroically fought against nazifascism almost alone in Europe during the World War II, and was able to put together both the Soviet Union and the United States under the sky of Europe. Therefore, no Europe can exist without England; we and they cannot but be united together in the same family, though sometimes unwillingly.
Instead, as usual I’m much more worried about Arcovazzi who firmly wants to plant roots in Europe, aiming to degrade our beloved continent to the level of his thirld world banana republic. Arcovazzi, in fact, wants to apply the Constitution of his own republic to any “uncooperative” country he is interested in, aiming to simplify his powers worldwide. And he will never hesitate to invent dangers and emergency issues just to pass “Big Brother” paramilitary censorship outlaw laws. Like all his great (immortal) predecessors he exalts “autobiographical values” such as fascism, apoliticism, patriarchal authoritarianism, familism, cult of personality, gender and social inequality, feudalism, formalism, ritualism, cheatism, thievism, and so on – surely I’m forgetting something!
Anyone who lives in his “divine farce” is doomed to fall ill, or even to die of shame.
Arcovazzi’s world is beyond any horrific nightmare you can imagine.
So you’d better reset your Mitteleuropean sense of humor and just say welcome back to England!

World War II. Future Queen of England Princess Elizabeth and future Countess of Snowdon Princess Margaret, serving in the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, ca. early 1940s. Photo:

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