Sunday, July 10, 2016

喀邁拉 (Chimera)

Pentala Harikrishna – 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén)
7th 海南 (Hǎinán) 儋州 (Dānzhōu) Super Grandmaster Chess Tournament “人民网 (People’s Daily Online) Cup”; 儋州 (Dānzhōu), July 10, 2016
Spanish Game C83

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Nxe4 6. d4 b5 7. Bb3 d5 8. dxe5 Be6 9. Nbd2 Nc5 10. c3 Be7 11. Bc2 d4 12. Nb3 d3 13. Bb1 Nxb3 14. axb3 Bf5 15. Re1. For 15. Be3 0-0 16. Nd4 Nxd4 17. cxd4 c5 see Tomashevsky – 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén), 1st IMSA Elite Mind Games, Blitz Event, 淮安 (Huái’ān) 2016. 15. ... 0-0 16. h3 Qd7 17. b4 Rfd8 18. g4 Bg6 19. Bf4 Qc8. For 19. ... a5 20. bxa5 Rxa5 21. Ba2 Rf8 22. b4 Ra4 23. Qd2 Nd8 24. Bg5 c5 see Caruana – Giri, 3rd Norway Chess, Stavanger 2015. 20. Ba2 a5 21. e6 f6 22. bxa5 Nxa5 23. b4 Nc4 24. Bxc4 bxc4 25. Nd2 c5 26. b5 Be8 27. Rxa8 Qxa8 28. b6 Bc6 29. Bc7 Rd5 30. Nxc4 Qa2 31. Nd2 g5 32. Nf1 c4 33. Qd2 Qa8? Tipycally, the tactical crisis begins with the strategic crisis, with 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén) pursuing the chimera of a direct attack against the enemy King. 34. Ne3 Rb5? And here is the losing move, in a way also consistent with the previous one. Black should have moved the Rook to c5, but since he intended to put his Bishop there, lo and behold, everything becomes plain and wrong. 35. Nxc4! Bh1 36. Ne3 Bc5. 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén) is still dreaming about a revenge on the long diagonal h1-a8, with the great final of mate on g2, but the Indian Grandmaster will promptly awaken him.

37. e7! Bxe3 38. fxe3 Kf7 39. e8=Q+! The immediate 39. e4 was also possible. 39. ... Kxe8 40. e4! A trivial interference finally puts an end to all Black’s illusions. 40. ... Bxe4 41. Qe3 1 : 0.

Pentala Harikrishna vs. 丁立人 (Dīng Lìrén)

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