Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Escape into the Labyrinth

王菲 (Wáng Fēi)

風風火火 轟轟烈烈

廢墟上的鷹 盤旋尋找殘羹
夜空中的精靈 注視遊魂背影
忽然一陣鐘聲 穿透黑鴉鴉的寂靜
歌頌這壯烈 還是嘲笑這神聖*

#將愛進行到底 偉大是殘酷的衍生
將愛進行到底 沒有對錯的血腥#

重唱: * (#) # #

溫柔尚在 寂寞永生

To Love
王菲 (Faye Wong)

Wind and fire
Fiercely and passionately
We struggled for love
We did not shed blood
Yet we’ve been sacrificed
And buried in our living fame
Like a dying heartbeat

An eagle hovering over the ruins
Rounds looking for leftovers
Whirling in the night sky
Its eyes stuck to the wandering elves
Suddenly the sound of a bell
Pierces the dark silence
Like a hymn to heroica
Or scorn of the soul’s hearth

#Keep the love alive until the very end
A love mercilessly reborn and renewed
Keep the love alive until the very end
No blood for blood#

Repeat *# #

Keep the love alive until the very end
Lasting tenderness
Loneliness for eternity

(English translation by Holden Caulfield)

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