Saturday, July 23, 2016

Flight cancellation and delay

Naples Mayor Luigi De Magistris joined the permanent committee “No Incinerator No Airport” in Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, on the evening of July 21, 2016. “It’s a long struggle, but not impossible. Landfills and incinerators can be stopped: in Naples we succeeded in doing it”, De Magistris said. Photo: Luigi De Magistris (Facebook).

Luigi De Magistris (seated at centre) talking with Sesto Fiorentino Mayor Lorenzo Falchi (standing on right). In replying to Florence Mayor Dario Nardella who urged him to follow the line already traced before his mayoral triumph, Falchi joked: “I’ll look for inspiration elsewhere than there where Nardella shines. I don’t even need to stray too far from the Florentine territory. There are many municipalities in the Empolese territory, for instance, where the sorting of waste works very well”. Photo: Luigi De Magistris (Facebook).

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