Saturday, July 30, 2016

Half Moon Way

Jakub Garbowski – Zhansaya Danïyarqızı Abdumalik
16th MetLife Warsaw Najdorf Chess Festival; Warsaw, July 8, 2016
2r1rbk1/1bqn1p1p/pn1p1Pp1/1p2p1P1/3NP3/1P2Q1N1/P1P3BP/4RRBK w - - 0 24

The position in the diagram (after 23. ... e6-e5) represents the ideal position of a Scheveningen Variation from the point of view of Black. Garbowski, understandably worried about Black’s central Pawn push ... d6-d5, tries to fish in muddy waters through an ingenious Knight sacrifice: 24. Ndf5!? d5! Blessed is the young who does not go astray! White was obviously hoping for 24. ... gxf5? 25. Nxf5 which would have given him a powerful attack. 25. Nh6+ Bxh6 26. gxh6 dxe4 27. Qg5 Nd5 28. Bxe4 Nf4 29. Be3 Nh5! Another bitter pill to swallow! 30. Bg1. If 30. Nxh5 then 30. ... Bxe4+ 31. Kg1 Qb7 with overwhelming effect. 30. ... Nxg3+ 31. hxg3 Bxe4+ 32. Rxe4 Qc6 33. Qh4 Re6 34. Kh2 Nxf6 35. Re2 Nd5 36. Rd2 g5! Abdumalik concludes elegantly. 37. Qe4. Or 37. Qxg5+ Rg6 followed by the taking of the h6-Pawn. 37. ... Rxh6+ 38. Kg2 Ne3+ 0 : 1.

Zhansaya Danïyarqızı Abdumalik
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