Monday, July 18, 2016

Literary Coffee Break

“In case of assaults, thefts or muggings call 112 and make report, no self justice”. It is one of the many messages published both in Italian and Chinese on flyers and leaflets particularly appealing to citizens of Chinese origin on the urban security issue. It contains a number of practical suggestions about prevention strategies, such as the recommendation to not take along too much cash, to use a bank account for saving and withdraw from it only as much money as needed, as well as practical advice on how to behave and call for law enforcement assistance, if that is necessary, and make report.
”The security issue concerns everyone and it’s crucial that everyone who lives here may have confidence in our social authorities and institutions, and may be able to reach them in case of necessity”, Prato Vice Mayor Simone Faggi pointed out. “It doesn’t exist a security issue concerning one specific community, but rather all communities, and control of territory is done by our law enforcement forces also on the basis of the reports submitted. It is therefore essential that also the citizens of Chinese origin, in case of need, turn to the institutions and make report: patrols and squads, self justice, self-defence are inacceptable and lead nowhere”.

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