Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Made in Arcovazzia

More than 1,500 university deans asked to resign and 257 PM’s office staff dismissed, with 35,000 public servants now affected

Turkey has escalated its purge of government officials in the aftermath of the failed coup, with about 35,000 public servants affected by the end of the day despite a government spokesman insisting that the crackdown was being carried out in accordance with the rule of law.
In the latest developments on Tuesday, the government fired more than 15,000 employees at the education ministry, sacked 257 officials at the prime minister’s office and 492 clerics at the directorate for religious affairs. Additionally, more than 1,500 university deans were asked to resign.
It followed the firing of nearly 8,800 policemen, and the arrests of 6,000 soldiers, 2,700 judges and prosecutors, dozens of governors, and more than 100 generals – or just under one-third of the general corps. Some 20 news websites critical of the government have also been blocked. [Read more].
Tourists from Algiers taking a selfie in front of an abandoned tank in Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turkey, on July 17, 2016. Photo: Reuters.

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