Sunday, July 24, 2016

Snow Joke

Alexander Anatolyevich Motylev – Dmitry Vladimirovich Andreikin
17th Poikovsky Karpov Chess Tournament; Poikovsky, July 24, 2016
French Defence C10

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. Be3 Bb4 5. e5 f6 6. Bd3 fxe5 7. Qh5+ Kf8 8. dxe5

8. ... d4. Experience teaches. If, instead, 8. ... Qe8? there might follow 9. Qh4 Nge7 10. Nf3 Kg8 11. 0-0 Bd7 12. Ne2! and White stands much better (even though then he managed to lose the game!), Andreikin – Bocharov, Siberian Bank Cup, Novosibirsk 2012. 9. Qf3+ Ke8 10. Qh5+ Kf8 11. Qf3+. Of course, Andreikin knows better than anyone what is happening: ½ : ½ Tomczak – Andreikin, 47th World Junior Chess Championship, Gaziantep 2008. 11... Ke8 12. Qh5+ ½ : ½. Just a joke!

Dmitry Vladimirovich Andreikin. Photo: Russian Chess Federation.

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