Tuesday, July 19, 2016

State-owned Cultural Heritage

“No speculations on the Museum of Doccia”. Thus spoke Sesto Fiorentino Mayor Lorenzo Falchi, after the meeting promoted by the Assessorato alla Cultura della Regione Toscana in which participated the MiBACT, the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, the Superintendence, the Association of the Friends of Doccia, and he himself. “Maintaining the link between territory, production, and Museum remains our main objective”, the Mayor said. “We reiterated our absolute willingness to cooperate with both the Bankruptcy Court’s official receiver and the future ownership so that the Museum may be available again to Sesto Fiorentino’s citizens, in accordance with the forecast for the urban area. Those who think they can speculate about it, are seriously underestimating the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino: we won’t allow it. No way”. Falchi said that “the Regione Toscana, as well as the Superintendence and the MiBACT have guaranteed the commitment and the will to quickly come to a solution that might eventually contemplate the acquisition of the Museum by the State. It’s a significant commitment because the building is exposed to unacceptable and dangerous conditions with serious risk for the artworks kept inside. It is necessary, however, to imagine forms of management, accessibility, and valorization which are as original as wide open, so that the Museum may become a place of new cultural production beyond its exhibition space. Today’s meeting, the first one devoted to the Museum, is the first step of a path which must involve institutions, politics, and ownership to do each its part for putting our history and territorial identity on the map. The Museum of Doccia is the Museum of our town”.


Museum of Doccia, Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy

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