Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tomorrow Together

Diving Queen 吴敏霞 (Wú Mǐnxiá), in an interview given to 上海 (Shànghăi) Radio & TV Weekly and published today, chatted about her personal matters, which appear to depend upon her marriage to 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng), with whom she needs more and more to create and share their future. Of course, she didn’t say it, but yes, we can say what she did not say, that’s something like: you ought to expect to be married before you are dead.
She talked about the severe injury she suffered four months before the Olympics at Rio, due to growing anxiety and fragility. After the first treatments, the doctors advised her not to participate at the Olympic Games as the risk of further damages were too high. But the miracle happened: she came, she saw, she won. It was made possible thanks to the support and advice of her own world around herself.
As for her boyfriend 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng), suddenly unveiled to the world after years of underground romance, she confessed to have kept him hidden with her parents, too: “At first, I do not dare tell them about him, because my parents look upon me always as a child. Only later I told them, ‘He’s my friend’. They didn’t dare to ask me anything else, and I didn't tell them anything more”.
She just worried a bit because of the long-distance relationship – 吴敏霞 (Wú Mǐnxiá) lives in 上海 (Shànghǎi), 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng) lives in 北京 (Běijīng). “I keep hoping to find a house in 上海 (Shànghǎi)”, she said. “It’s the only place where I can take care of my parents as well as of him. As he is willing to follow me to 上海 (Shànghǎi), my parents gradually began to accept him as my Prince Charming”.
She vividly remembered their first date, which happened to be a 公安局 (Public Security Bureau)’s room. They should have gone to the cinema, instead they found themselves seated tightly together in a police station, watching the surveillance video from where 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng)’s wallet has been lost or stolen.
Now 張效誠 (Zhāng Xiàochéng) graduated from the Communication University of China (CUC) and has to decide what he will do as a grown man. Whatever it is, she is waiting for him to marry her to create their future together. Whatever it takes.

吴敏霞 (Wú Mǐnxiá)

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