Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dance Matters

Arcovazzi says he has the Midas touch, but, strangely enough, everything he touches doesn’t turn to gold! Can you tell me why? Oh, I forgot, you don’t know him, even if he tells everyone he is your husband. I feel it might be dangerous to contradict him. Why don’t you hire a body double who may replace you as a wife in and out of the marital bed? Just an idea. So you will not have anymore to run back and forth for avoiding his magic “Midas touch”. Jokes aside, even if you didn’t turn yourself into a golden star, you are always welcome at Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”!

A featherless chicken prances across the stage like a plump ballerina. This breed draws on the naturally occurring recessive mutation that eliminates feathers and is crossed with one of a favoured strain of broiler chicken. Photo: Tim Flach.

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