Saturday, November 26, 2016

Las ideas no se matan

Cuban leader Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90, state television in the country has announced. Castro was known as one of the most iconic revolutionary leaders in recent history after he led a communist guerrilla army to replace Fulgencio Batista’s corrupt dictatorship, and went on to survive countless CIA-backed attempts on his life.

The government has declared nine days of national mourning.

“During the mourning period, all public events and activities will cease, the national flag will fly at half mast on public buildings and at military facilities and television and radio will broadcast informative, patriotic and historical programmes”.

Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, January 1959. Photo: Roberto Salas.

Adoring members of the Bolshoi Ballet, including prima ballerina Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya (left) surround Fidel. Photo © Alamy.

11th World Chess Champion Robert James “Bobby” Fischer with Fidel in Havana, Cuba, 1966. Photo:

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