Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Bank Job
The Central Bank of Russia disconnected the Russian Financial Alliance Bank from its banking electronic payments system (BESP), sources told RIA Novosti.
Credit institutes that the Central Bank disconnects from BESP, often lose their licence. In rare occurrences, the disconnection from the system is temporary due to technical reasons (for instance, a hacker attack or faulty test equipment).
The Bank doesn’t participate in the deposit insurance system.
Mudalal Mtanyus Mtanyus, born in the Syrian city of Khoms and a Russian citizen, serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors. According to the bank’s report for the third quarter 2016, former President of Kalmykia Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov owned a 17.3% stake in the bank (through LLC “Konmeks”).
Ilyumzhinov and the Russian Financial Alliance Bank are under U.S. sanctions.

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