Thursday, December 8, 2016

Ashes in the Sky

Tomorrow is Friday and somehow each of you will have to arrive alive and well till the evening, when finally the music will get sweeter and it’s gonna be time to dance on the Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”’s carpet! Don’t miss the date!

The Cuban National Ballet expressed its gratitude towards Fidel Castro and his support for art. Alicia Alonso, a former prima ballerina assoluta of the Cuban Ballet and widely considered to be one of the greatest dancers of all time, signed the statement at the Casa del Alba Cultural in Havana, remembering Fidel’s unconditional support for the institution. “I will always remember his kind voice, asking about my artistic work and details about the activities of the Cuban National Ballet, its achievements and needs”, the 95-year-old ballerina said in a statement. “The historic legacy that he leaves is overwhelming and it’s also represented in Cuban culture. That’s why, now and forever, we say: thank you Fidel!”. Photo: Reuters.

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