Friday, December 30, 2016

Five Minutes Alone

Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin – Péter Lékó
World Blitz Chess Championship; Doha, December 30, 2016
Giuoco Piano C54

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. 0-0 Nf6 5. d3 d6 6. a4 a6 7. c3 0-0 8. h3 Ba7 9. Nbd2 Ne7 10. Re1 c6 11. b4 Ng6 12. d4 exd4 13. cxd4 d5!? More reserved than 13. ... Nxe4 14. Bxf7+!? Rxf7 15. Nxe4 d5 16. Nc5 h6 17. Ra3 Bf5 18. Ne5 Nxe5 19. dxe5 Qh4! which, however, gave Black a satisfactory play, Carlsen – Karjakin, New York 2016, World Chess Championship match game 5. 14. exd5 Nxd5 15. Qb3 Be6 16. b5 axb5 17. axb5 Ndf4 18. Bxe6 Nxe6 19. Ba3!? Quite unusually, Karjakin opts for a bold play and chooses a sharp Pawn sacrifice for the aim of the initiative. 19. ... Nxd4 20. Nxd4 Bxd4 21. Rad1 Re8 22. Ne4 Qb6 23. Nd6! Rxe1+ 24. Rxe1 Bxf2+ 25. Kh1 Bxe1?? The first and fatal blunder, but Lékó totally overlooks the Damocle’s sword hanging over his King’s crown. Correct was 25. ... Qc7 in order to answer 26. Rf1 by 26. ... Qe7! holding everything together.

26. Qxf7+ Kh8 27. Bb2 Rg8 28. Nf5 1 : 0. Mate is unavoidable. “I played the whole tournament excellently, and my game against Lékó in Round 19 was decidedly brilliant”, then Karjakin said.

Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin was finally happy after winning the World Blitz Chess Championship. “This means a lot... after the match in New York”, he said. Photo: (‏@Chess__News).

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